Challenges in Mobile Application Testing

The variation in mobile applications in the current market is extensive. Every application requires ensuring its quality, productivity, and its brand building capability.

Testing of mobile applications is very different from the regular desktop application. This is usually because mobile applications require being tested on various software systems and versions.

As the rapidly updating mobile operating systems and the launch of smarter devices add to the challenge of Mobile Application Testing.

The main types and sub-types of Mobile Testing can be categorized as follows::

· Locale Data Generation

· Locale Validation

· Language

· Competitive Analysis

· Acceptability

· Non - Functional

· Offline Accessibility

· Functional

· Security Auditing, Scanning and Penetration

· Data Retention and Cache Review

The main considerations for forming the testing strategy are as follows:

Automated Testing:

This is performed for reducing the price of development and regression testing. Automated mobile testing enables repeating the test process and recording the results.

This approach needs a substantial initial investment and the Return on Investment is achieved only when the automation tool is utilized optimally. Therefore, the selection of automation tools needs careful analysis.

Testing Variations:

Different kinds of testing such as functionality, compliance, security, performance, and usability must be considered for effective testing.

But, testing must be carried out tactfully by assigning a set of tests for a specific device and network permutation after anticipating the degree of vulnerability of the feature under test. Therefore, we can assign basic testing to simulators.

Consider Network Configuration:

Network connection tools are utilized to simulate the network connectivity and the various network configurations.

Wifi networks can be easily set up in test environments. Many network simulation tools can be utilized to simulate a variety of speed, bandwidth, and connectivity parameters.

Challenges in mobile application testing

Does your app support many Operating System?

· Whether your app compatible with many OS such as iPhones, Android, Blackberry, Windows and many more.

How much data will the application require?

· Users without unlimited data plans or devices without large internal storage be able to handle the application.

How fast is the application installed?

·  With slower processors and networks, users still require desktop speeds out of their mobile devices.

Mobile Application Testing is very different and very challenging as compared to the desktop web applications.

The main challenge in Mobile Testing is the continuous increase in the kind of mobile devices;

Firmware updates, mobile operating systems, and other customizations call for a large set of testing permutations. This correspondingly increases the cost of Quality Assurance for the company.

The key considerations for planning a testing strategy can be summarized as follows:

1. Perform the test plans essentially on Wi-Fi networks and utilize the network tools to simulate the network connectivity and other network parameters.

2. Analyze the different types of testing.

3. Choose an efficient automated testing tool, therefore, reducing the cost of regression testing.

4. Maximize the test coverage by an optimal mix of emulators and physical devices.

Mobile App Testing Tools:


This tool can be applied to test Android and i-OS applications on phones, tablets, and real devices. This is an integrated environment for running, recording and customizing, managing test suites etc. The tool represents a breakthrough in its simplicity and power.


This automated testing tool is produced by Smart-Bear Software, which permits the developers to manage software quality tests. The tests can be manually scripted, performed manually with keyword operations, or recorded for automated playback and bug logging.

The tests can be conducted on different kinds of applications like- Web, Flash, Windows, Silverlight, Flex, NET, and Java. This tool can be utilized to create and automate various software test types, record, and playback the test creation records.


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