How Can Neglecting Outsource Quality Assurance And Testing Ruin a Business Strategy?

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The combined onslaught of disruptive technologies, changing user preferences, an increased competition and security considerations have forced businesses to reimagine and reinvent themselves.
To achieve the same, companies are increasingly into innovation and development of products that reach the market faster. The aim is to pre-empt competition and revel in the early mover advantages. The strategy forms part of the electronic transformation initiatives that businesses have adopted with a greater frequency.

The procedure for digital transformation needs to be smooth without disrupting the present ecosystem. For otherwise, the customer service gets impacted leading to dissatisfaction and the business risks losing its brand value. Bringing about electronic transformation within a business is a tricky proposition.

Consequences Of Not Succeeding Outsource Quality Assurance

Losing Competitiveness: One of the goals in framing a business strategy is to remain competitive. And to reach the same, the services and products of a corporation should be on par or better than its competitors. This is where the role of outsource quality assurance becomes more crucial.

It supports the quality of a product on parameters like performance, performance, load carrying capacity, usability and security. As a result, the user experience can go for a toss leading customers to opt for rival products and the business losing its competitive edge.

Not Reaching The Marketplace In Time: The changing market dynamics and evolving technologies mean businesses need to stay ever vigilant. They must bring out innovative products and achieve customers before their competitors.

But without using the right test automation tools, the timeframe of analyzing applications gets extended. This can delay activities like the delivery of innovative solutions, including functionalities/updates or running regression testing.

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Security Ramifications: Neglecting the quality testing of software programs can render glitches to go unnoticed and unmitigated. The same could be exploited by hackers by Means of Trojans, viruses, spyware and malware to achieve the following:

·         Steal sensitive personal and business data
·         Disrupt the networks and systems

The aforementioned activities can lead a business to eliminate customer's trust, draw penalties and censure, or lawsuits from customers and regulatory agencies. These have the potential to destroy a business completely.

Impacting The Product Quality: Clients are increasingly using software applications to conduct a plethora of tasks. These may range from paying for utility services and booking of train/plane/movie tickets to purchasing from e-commerce shops amongst others. 

In addition, in the time of the Internet of Things (IoT,) embedded technologies are used widely in medicine and other mission-critical processes. The dearth of quality of these applications may lead to the malfunctioning of sensitive equipment’s. This can have harmful impacts such as loss of property and life.

The greater focus on software quality assurance testing has resulted in the adoption of innovative practices, tools and platforms. The industry has witnessed a paradigm shift in analyzing approaches - by the early manual predicated waterfall model to the hottest Agile, TCoE, and DevOps versions with emphasis on test automation.

Significantly, notwithstanding the role of outsourced software testing in improving the product quality and fulfilling business outcomes, business strategy is still about defeating the margins. Let's find out the consequences of neglecting quality testing and assurance concerning destroying a business strategy.


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